lifeknot currently lists over 1,200 member-suggested activities across 45 categories. Members are constantly suggesting new and interesting activites as they seek people that share their interests. More often than not, I need to consult Wikipedia (one of my favorite sites) to learn about the new activity suggestion.

Some particularly interesting recent activity additions include:
Spirituality: Ásatrú
"Ásatrú (Icelandic "Æsir faith") is a new religious movement whose focus is reviving the Norse paganism of the Viking Age - as described in the Eddas - prior to the arrival of Christianity." - Wikipedia
Winter Sports: Skijoring
"Skijoring is a winter dog- or horse-powered sport popularized in North America and derived from the Scandinavian sport of pulka. It involves a horse or from one to three dogs hitched directly to a human being on skis." - Wikipedia
Science: Ethology
"Ethology is the scientific study of animal behavior considered as a branch of zoology. The desire to understand the animal world has made ethology a rapidly growing field, and even since the turn of the 21st century, many prior understandings related to diverse fields such as animal communication, personal symbolic name use, animal emotions, animal culture and learning, and even sexual conduct, long thought to be well understood, have been revolutionized, as have new fields such as neuroethology." - Wikipedia
Here are some links to some of lifeknot's more popular activities if you want to flip through some profiles: Hiking, Camping, Mountain biking, World travel, Photography, and Star gazing.
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